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How to Make Next Year Great, Starting Today

Writer's picture: John Bridges, BCH, CI, CPEHJohn Bridges, BCH, CI, CPEH

Can you remember a time in your life when you felt an incredible sense of joy and fulfillment?

Chances are, it was a time when you felt you were achieving an important goal, becoming more of the person you want to become, experiencing a profound connection, or you had the sense that your life was coming into alignment with your inner vision for how it should be.

Ideally, we all want to fulfill our potential on every level—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Life is about growing, experiencing, and evolving. Sadly, what most often stands in the way of that potential is not other people, or even our circumstances.

It is us.

WE are the ones who tend to be our own worst enemy.

And generally, we do this by repeating patterns and embracing beliefs that keep us stuck. Whether it is problematic habits, relationship issues, deep-seated fears, a limited self-concept, an inability to focus, or some other form of self-sabotage, we can all fall prey to our own inner demons. And this isn’t just a challenge for those who obviously struggle, but even the most outwardly ‘successful’ among us tend to have their own particular weakness in some area of life.

The late-great psychiatrist, Dr. Milton Erickson, once said, “Patients are patients because they are out of rapport with their own unconscious”. Your unconscious mind is that part of you that runs your life automatically and separately from your normal, conscious awareness. What Erickson meant, of course, was that the average person suffers because they don't know how to work with their unconscious mind and turn it to their advantage.

This, of course, is where professional hypnotherapy can help.

Imagine waking up one day and feeling completely free from all the limitations that have kept you from achieving your goals. Imagine breaking all those negative patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior that have kept you locked into the same vicious loops, year after year. Imagine doing those things you know in your heart you should do in order to be successful, but doing them happily and automatically, without ever having to force yourself to do them.

That is the power of transformational hypnosis. Through hypnotherapy, we can go right to the root of your problems and remove the inner blockages that have been holding you back. So, change happens naturally and easily, from the inside-out. And, what is most amazing, is that because hypnosis deals directly with the unconscious mind, it can be used in a wide variety of ways to improve a person’s life.

At Bridges Hypnosis Center, we have been in practice since 2001. During that time, we have helped thousands of people successfully overcome a whole variety of issues--everything from the most traumatic to the most ordinary. Oftentimes, we have helped people create breakthroughs in areas where others have failed. Our clients trust us and come from all over North County, from San Marcos, Escondido, Valley Center, Vista, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Poway, and Rancho Bernardo.

If you are facing a tough challenge, such as a self-destructive habit, a goal that keeps eluding you, a fear you can’t get over, or a problem in performance that you just don’t understand, don't wait--Give us a call today to schedule a FREE, zero-pressure consultation.

The initial consultation is casual and involves discussing the basics of your case, how hypnotherapy works, and the outline of a basic plan to help you achieve your goals. If all seems like a 'good fit' and you feel comfortable moving forward, we will schedule your first session. If not, that's okay, too. Our goal is to educate you on your options, never to 'sell' you.

You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain! Give us a call today at: (800) 284-2798 and take your first big step toward making your next year your absolute best year!

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